Monday, November 23, 2009

Wishes and Creativity

Auriana's New Dollhouse Furniture

Auri asked me if I would add furniture and dolls for her dollhouse to her Christmas List. I told her that I could, but not to expect anything because I've noticed that she never really plays with the dollhouse so I don't consider it a priority.

The Bathroom. Notice the large corner tub.

Since that conversation she has used the blocks to make furniture and has been using everything from inkpens in tissue paper to golfballs as "people".

The Kitchen

I love how she used the fat and long blocks to make chairs for her dining room.

The Bedroom.

Notice the dollhouse in the bedroom?

The Living Room

She just might end up having her wishes come true on Christmas morning. Of course, that means that I have to figure out how to make furniture.:o)


renee ~ heirloom seasons said...

Ha ha, I thought we were the only ones to custom paint one of those doll houses! It was Christmas eve, 7 years ago, my husband and I painting the trim and all of the furniture too. Not as colorful as yours though. Very nice!
I am going to have to add our blog to my "following" list. You post so much niceness here, I love all the homeschooling updates and beautiful artwork!

Restless Prairie Farm said...

Auri and I painted it last year after she saw the Ostheimer one. We messed up the windows, but she loves it and that's what matters.:o) Thank you for liking things enough to follow. I love your blog so it's an honour.