Friday, October 22, 2010

Autumn Fevers

The October View.

It's beautiful outside right now. 
I love when the October brush blooms and gives us the look of mums under the trees. 
I love the cooler nights.
The slight bite in the air when we head out to care for the animals in the morning.
The need to find sweaters and hats. 
I love the fog. 
The taste of water in the air.

I love the search for warmth. 

I love the closeness that cooler weather brings.
The soups and bread.
The baking days mean more when it's cold outside.

One thing I'm not fond of are the, seemingly immediate, consequences of the lack of warmth.

It started with Ronan and has been working it's way through everyone else. We visited our new homeopathic doctor yesterday and I hope that soon we will all be good as new.

Or better.

Through the last couple of weeks I've done a lot of interesting reading on Anthroposophical medicine. I've renewed my commitment to my children's warmth, quiet, and rhythm. I haven't had them be sick for this long in a very long time.

It has also brought up how very low my mama resources are. I was only able to be an effective nurturer and healer for three days. After that it has been so very very hard to provide four whiney children with the direction and love they need. That makes me very sad. I want to be so much more for them. I want to be everything they need. It's easier wanted than done.:o)

I hope to be back here in this space soon. I have lots of things that have been working through my head that I can't wait to get in order here.

May Love, Laughter, and Health be in your Homes this season!

1 comment:

umbrellalady said...

I hope that your health and patience return all at once. It is hard to be nurturing when you start to run out of steam...have a nice cup of warm milk and sit for a bit before you go to bed yourself - it will help you recharge a wee bit to do something nice like that for yourself.