Friday, October 16, 2009

Missing the Farm

Looking up my driveway to the house

I'm missing the farm a lot lately. Part of me is loving the temporary set up I've got here at my mom's. I'm enjoying the homeschool group here. I love the activities we have, the closeness to family. But a huge part of me just wants to go home. I know it's better to wait until my husband can join us there. I know it's a lot of work. I know a lot of folks worry about us when we're out there on our own.

But I love the way I feel when I'm there.

Kiska's dirty face after building a sheep pen last year

The kids miss it out there too.

I'm told it's a lot more fun to get dirty on accident than on purpose.

1 comment:

gardenmama said...

Your banner is so sweet, I love it!
And your little ones name is so lovely, and an adorable dirty little face : ) I do not know what your situation is, I can imagine your farm is lovely there is no place that feels quite as good as home. what a gorgeous photo!