Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Favorite Ornament

Santa circa 1950

He looks rugged, doesn't he? He's also made of plastic.
I hate plastic.
I thought he was stupid when I was growing up. I can hear myself whining in my head about how we didn't have shiny new ornaments to go on our silver tinseled tree. My mom never made a big deal out of him. Just hung him high and never said a word. It wasn't until I was given all of the family ornaments after I had children that I really looked at any of them. When I did I asked about this one.

My Grandpa bought this for my mother on her first Christmas. I've seen the pictures. There are 8 or 9 black and whites that captured that year for us to experience. There was a tiny tree set on a coffee table with a pretty quilted skirt. On the table that my mother was using to hold herself up was a doll and a carved wooden horse. On that tree was this ornament.

My Grandma and Grandpa couldn't have children. They bought my mother when they were in their 50's. She was legally adopted, of course, but from what I've been told "bought" would be the correct way to look at it. From the look on the face of my Grandpa in every picture I've seen, he considered her a priceless treasure...and as she grew into an amazing woman I'm sure that he knew that he made the best deal of his life that year.

I think about the expression on my Grandpa's face sometimes when I'm looking at my children. I know exactly how he felt.

The times were simple. Their life was simple.
But there was nothing about their Love that was simple.

When I look at this sweet little plastic ornament that has graced our family's trees for 50 years I know that I am part of a legacy of Love that began with the purchase of a treasured child......

And will NEVER end.


quazymama said...

I have been reading your blog most of the day and thoroughly enjoying it. But I had to comment on this post. We just adopted our little girl our of foster care (and we have a 5 month old we hope to adopt) and my DH and I are in our early 50's. I feel so ancient when I see other couples with their kids, but I know we rescued our daughter from a desperate situation. She is our treasure. Thank you for sharing a part of your history. It's always nice to know someone else has blazed a trail before you. It makes me feel less alone in this older parenting thing.
I do have many questions. What CM curriculum did you end up using - I do have my daughter in a Waldorf Kindy, but cannot say how long we can afford to keep her there. She will be home schooled if we need to. AND lastly, your colorful yarns and rovings are just delicious. I have a wheel I bought recently, but have not had the time to practice learning to spin. Your pictures inspire me. Cathy

Restless Prairie Farm said...

Thank you Cathy.:o) I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. I've adapted the ambleside online curriculum. It's a free charlotte mason that's pretty laid out for you. I really love the waldorf though and the more I read of steiner the more I love it.

I really enjoy A Little Garden Flower curriculum. It's VERY affordable. And very Waldorf. The lady who writes it is WONDERFUL. Her yahoo group is homeschoolingwaldorf. I think. You can get lots of advice there.

Break out that wheel Mama! My children love to watch me spin. Go comment on the giveaway, if you haven't yet.

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. Those that I can, anyways.