Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lantern Building

Martinmas Lanterns-to-be

We worked really hard on our lanterns today. Of course, we should have been working hard on them for the last two weeks. I've decided that I don't care if we lantern walk for Advent....we are going to do it this year.

Perhaps we'll manage it tomorrow. The lanterns are almost completely dry. Tomorrow we'll add our sticks and strings. We've learned our song and we'll take turns playing the flute.  The children are excited to have the first "Mama's Nummy Cocoa" of the season. They enjoy taking turns with the whisk as the warmth of the stove begins to work it's magic in the pot.  Placing the mallows in the mugs in anticipation of the sweet yummy goodness that is to come.

I used the instructions I found from In These Hills.

I can't wait until tomorrow evening.

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